Martín Vegas, Rafael Medina



El trabajo es una exposición de los aspectos clínicos y evolutivos más
frecuentemente observados en el carate o pinta de Venezuela. Sintetiza las
observaciones que por muchos años los autores han venido realizando en casi
todas las áreas endémicas del país. Gran parte del material humano estuvo
representado por grupos indígenas de variadas tribus. Se establecen tres fases o
períodos en la evolución de la enfermedad

The research work was done on the evolution and clinical aspects
more frequently observed in the disease called "carate" or "pinta" in
Venezuela. It summarizes the observations made by the authors through
several years of study in the endemic areas of the country. A large sector
of the human material studied was represented by several groups of natives
from various tribes. The evolution of the disease was found to follow three
phases: Initial lesions, generalized phase and late clinical symptoms. The
transition from one phase to another in many patients took place in an
imprecise manner. Contrary to the case of syphilis and

yaws, when tissue lesions appear with definite clinical characteristics and
correspond to the different stages of evolution, it is possible to verify in
"carate" or "pinta" the appearance of cutaneous lesions at intervals and with
variable intensity with the same characteristics of early lesions.

Palabras clave

carate; pinta; treponematosis;

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